Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Corndog FUPA

This fine example of a classic FUPA feeding is the work of a new hunter from Michigan. According to him, she was bagged in a trendy Detroit suburb leaning against a store window eating a corn dog. She looks quite unhappy, so we are relived that the hunter escaped. Love the friend in the stylin' shades...


Anonymous said...

Wonderful bag, I dont know how the measurements go, but could that possibly be a trophy FUPA?

Spencer said...

Perfect specimen of a FUPA.

Anonymous said...

It looks pretty angry!

Anonymous said...

classic example of grade A FUPA!

Anonymous said...

FUPA + CornDog = LOVE

Anonymous said...

actually looks like the fupa is offering some of her food to stylin mcshades. as if.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, wonder if their dating?
I might want to try her out with a breeding program I am thinking about.

Unknown said...

This one looks surprised and angry at the same time. I agree, this could be a trophy FUPA.