Friday, September 21, 2007

Huge Bike Rally Fupa

This Fupa was bagged by the wife of an east coast hunter while at a Bike Rally. The wife needed proof to prove to the husband the amazing girth of this wonderful beast, and decided to share this specimen with us here at the hunting lodge. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

too bad he didnt get the "fupa-shot"

Julia Riber Pitt said...

I like big butts and I cannot lie...

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! That is amazing!! Just look at all that ass!!! Outrageous!!

Anonymous said...

Wonder how many tubs of Ben & Jerry's she had to eat to pack all that on?

Anonymous said...

I had a vision of what's-his-name, Jesus, the other night. Turns out he's quite a porker himself. I guess he overdid the multiplying fish-and-loaves bit.

Anonymous said...

I had a vision of what's his name, Jesus, the other night. turns out he's quite a porker himself. Must have overdone the multiplying fish-and-loaves bit.

Anonymous said...

Dayumn!! Her booty be poppin!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That wannabe Nike Air window is wheezing pretty bad

Anonymous said...

So, as I am but a young novice in the world of FUPA, could you please offer your expert commentary (dare I say dissertation) on the difference between FUPA and a mere Muffin Top?? I would like a complete compare and contrast of these two states of being, please. Perhaps it could be your next post.

Anonymous said...

dude, bro, nast. Two questions:

1. can she fit in an airplane seat?

2. she's just big boned right? some people just have huge bones in their butts.

Anonymous said...

These digusting whales should be paying extra taxes. Their bus fare should be tripled as well as they take up 3 seats.

Anonymous said...

Scary and Discusting!!! I want to vomit looking at this hidious creature. the ass on the fupa is uncontrollably hurendous!!! God help her throught he huge journey of life.
-Big B

Anonymous said...

Could you imagine reading all this about you!!!! SHE"S FAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What you gonna do with all that ass, all that ass inside them pants?

That's one big fat ass.

Anonymous said...

I would marry her, she is so sexy, much nicer than all them skinny chicks.

Anonymous said...

I think this is the saddest and cruelest site on the internet. And typical of a bunch of mean skinny people who probably eat what ever they want and never worry about gaining weight.

You have no clue of the pain these people carry around, and your obsequious links to weight loss help pages doesn't do anything to hide the fact that your cruel.

People are that obese for many reasons, and not always because of food.

And if it's food, then there is an emotional scar they are covering up.
Read these articles about the link between child molestation and obesity later in life:

A crushed soul tries to hide itself in girth.

And the saddest thing is is that pedophiles most often target the more sensitive vulnerable children, so you skinny vultures were never in danger. Think of the cruel irony: people like you most likely teased the shy chubby kid in school, and meanwhile her teenage baby sitter or uncle was raping her, so after her soul is ripped apart, you vultures land on the carcass and feed.

and the fact is, 15% to 25% of women and 5% to 15% of men have been sexually abused when they were children. And what do you know, obesity affects about 25 percent of the population!

Furthermore, Food allergies can cause obesity.
For instance coffee...just plain regular caffeinated coffee can make you fat if you have an insulin resistance condition or hypoglycemia! Caffeine causes your liver to make sugar, and your body just see's the sugar, it doesn't care that you just drank a zero calorie coffee with a sweet n low, and the sugar it sees came from your liver, it will still store that sugar as fat.

Get it?

And if you have that happening, and you go to eat a bowl of plain cereal, or even a slightly sweetened cereal, your already going down for the count, weight wise. Add that to someone who has severe emotional issues from childhood trauma, you have a sick individual who deserves pity, compassion and to be treated with dignity.

Anonymous said...

You people are sad and living in the illusion of a size 2 being beauty.
Go and get some lives.
Honestly, I f*cking hate people like you, you are half the problem with these people self esteem. "Oh let's make a website publicly humiliating people with weight issues." yeah, because that makes ANY sence.
Grow the f*ck up.
You people make me sick.

Anonymous said...

Leave these people alone. First of all, it should be illegal to post pictures of people without their permission. So what if I can't see my face in a picture, I'm pretty damn sure I can recognize my body. It's humiliating to be used as an example of an insensitive judgement.
You talk about "obese" persons as if they're animals. You classify them as "holy grail", "super fupa" and "fupa". It's degrading, and it hurts. And sure, it's just joke to you, but you walk around looking different and see how you get treated.
Not to mention I wouldn't expect such garbage from adults. Seriously, the maturity level is just pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Big B said/

" Scary and Discusting!!! I want to vomit looking at this hidious creature. the ass on the fupa is uncontrollably hurendous!!! God help her throught he huge journey of life.
-Big B "

Hey, moron. How about you worry less about the size of a strangers ass, and get yourself a library card, and use it for more than checking out video games. Or, if that is too much of a task, how about you say hello to Spellcheck.

Anonymous said...

absolutely disgusting. oh my gosh. groooooooss

Anonymous said...

im a fupa hunter in training... this was a good one

Phoenixism said...

The fact that someone like that is allowed to purchase athletic shoes speaks to the lack of principles on the part of Nike, et al.

Anonymous said...

Hey, This is great! How about showing us some of those all you can eat buffet fupas? That would be great!

Anonymous said...

Holy fucking shit! That's got to be the biggest ass I'd ever seen!

But seriously, if you're THAT damn big, do something about it! That's a heart attack/diabetes/whatever waiting to happen.

And I don't think it's shallow. C'mon - fat people can get away with calling slender people "anorexic" and all that bullshit, yet we're supposed to accept their morbid obesity? It's a double-standard to say the least.

Anonymous said...

Clearly a person deserves no respect solely because of their weight judging by the attitude of the comments. If you have no respect for other people no one has respect for you.

Anonymous said...

Wow,you are despicable!!

Why don't you get a life?

Or better yet show us what you look like?

Anonymous said...

This is a condition known as "SHELF ASS." I have been calling it shelf ass for 20 years ... unusual condition where the fat grows upward on the buttocks

Anonymous said...

This is a condition I like to call "SHELF ASS." It is the unusual situation where the fat grows upward on the buttocks ... creating a shelve like area where you could rest a coffee cup or something on the hips

skin whitening said...

Your blog is very funny.
Please keep on...
skin whitening

Anonymous said...

What toilet can support the weight of this?

Anonymous said...

And it is not illegal to take a picture of someone in a public place. Their permission is not required.

Anonymous said...

stop bitching about the damn pictures and about what people are saying. its funny. thats it. calm your fat ass down and go fuck a moon pie

Anonymous said...

Yeah..God forbid anyone say to a fat person that they're too fat, no, don't hurt their feelings. But it's okay to ask an anorexic if they are sick, and to give them 'advice'

Anonymous said...

Where are the pictures of the mentally retarded and down syndrome people who have fupas? I mean then not only could you ridicule them for being obese you can ridicule them for be retarded..isn't that 2 for the price of one? Cuz damn they can shore eat too and they are so lazy not exercising too.... Oh or would THAT be too cruel?

Unknown said...

Nice information. Infact most of like haunted ghost stories
The first episode of Most Haunted Live was broadcast on Living on October 31, 2002, from Dudley Castle and was produced jointly by Antix and Hanrahan Media.
The format of the show under this joint venture was different to Most Haunted with different music cues and production style.

Anonymous said...

how is this proportion even possible? And why is that THING haven't diet and exercise yet???

Anonymous said...

You people are pathetic. You are so bored with your insignificant, miserable, people-pleasing lives that you feel the need to degrade other human beings. You're kind is what needs to be exterminated. Without people like you, there would not be people like that. Get the picture? Just do the world a favor and drink some bleach, I'm sure there's zero calories.

Anonymous said...

Whoever made this blog should post pictures of themselves so we can tear them apart piece by piece, insecurity by insecurity Lmfao.

rivivieri said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Thanks that's my mom by the way

Anonymous said...

You're a cunt

Anonymous said...

I could imagine you blowing away when the wind blows

Anonymous said...

Hey big bitch shut your whore mouth

Anonymous said...

So do you get three times the asswhooping for being a dickhead

Anonymous said...

1.Can you go fuck you're mother ?
2. But you're not the hillbilly type right
Some people are shit heads fyi

Anonymous said...

Bro you trying to be relevant got me wheezing so shut it

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Go back to your crack my dude you can't even remember what you wanna say

Anonymous said...

How many times did your uncle touch you for you to be an asshole ?

Anonymous said...

WOW another jackass

Anonymous said...

I like brainless bitches like you and I cannot lie

Anonymous said...

To bad I can't slip you exlax you shit fountain

Kervin Lacey(unofficial) said...

Vaya culo... please check this: