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What it a FUPA? A FUPA is a Man or a Woman so afflicted by obesity that their pubic area is used to store patches of soft fatty waste. Often sighted at work, the food court at the mall and Walmart, they can be spotted in families, or occasionally traveling in groups called 'schwaggles'.
A FUPA at Wal-Mart? With a fanny pack? I didn't know they made fanny packs to accommodate that level of girth.
wow i'm soo happy i found this blog. you are the best
Yeah you are SUCH a winner. What an intellectual.
You know what's funny? You make fun of all these people's bodies when really it's you who's the total waste of skin. And deep down you know it.
Love, Your Fucking Conscience
Sarcasm is lost in text. It is best to place sarcastic phrases in html tags so they do not lose their meaning.
What is it about WalMart that attracts them? Is it the extra-wide aisles?
I think they feel safe being amongst their own kind. As is the case with most wildlife
Who would waste their time making a hateful website completely dedicated to making fun of people.
All of you people, getting kicks out of the pain of others, you're not well in the head. Do you have no flaws? How does it feel when people pick you apart? Do you honestly think that these people want to be this way? Do you honestly believe that this is just an issue of overeating? It's usually not. There are genetic reasons for this type of thing more often than just a simple indulgence.
Have a heart and learn how to accept people for who they are on the inside. If you can't do that then at least learn to mind your own business you arrogant, self righteous waste of space!
Why don't you go take a long hard look in the mirror and try to figure out what you're missing in your own life. Why is it that making fun of people makes you feel better? What's wrong with you? Not happy with yourself so you have to make fun about people that you deem "uglier" than yourself?
You all make me sick.
Agreed. This is a disgusting website that is just mean-spirited.
Even I'm not that bitter, and I'm pretty fucking bitter.
FUPA; Wal-Mart: There's an allegory about fish and a barrel involving a gun here, but I've forgotten it.
FUPA Hunter, you are awesome. It's a shame that making fun of fat people is the only socially acceptable predjudice these days, because you totally have it in you to be a full-fledged, hate-mongering racist bigot douchebag.
Let's see...
Regarding a certain kind of people as nothing more than animals? Check!
Insisting they deserve to be "hunted"? Check!
Violating their right to privacy for your own amusement? Check!
Implying they deserve this abuse because "they could change/better themselves if they wanted to." Check!
Dude, you are a practically a Grand Wizard.
It's so hard to hunt for fupa in other countries forth some reason they don't exist or go outside in the wild.
Happy Hunting!
I only feel bad for the fupa with the medical disablity that prevents them.. to lose the fupa.
but if you can get off your ass and walk an hour a day for a while to lose your fupa but CHOOSE NOT TO.. you should expect people to be mean.
Trust me karin you are nooo doctor, generic reasons occure, yes, but most if not all you can lose weight.
same as acne.
but it requires WORK, and if you need to work for something and you DONT, then dont EXPECT it.
if i wanna make fun of someone, then im gna. ill call you whatever the hell i wanna call you if you deserve it.
Im skinny & from a family where obesity is GENERIC, but see, i get off my ass and eat the right way.
and ya making fun of ppl who deserve it makes me happy. i lawl.
so now what?
that makes me a waste of space? waste of skin? rofl.
your a joke.
this is why obesity is considered a "disease"... cuz ppl are too damn sympathetic... to people who need that smack in the head to get going.
um..anonmyous with the whole.. racist thing..
u cant change your race.
but you can change your weight.
so dont compare it to racism.
good fight though.
I really don't think it matters why someone is overweight. The idea that any of us think we have the right to judge, humiliate, and ridicule someone else for their appearance is sordid. I don't care if they can change it, and I don't care if you're thin and work really hard at it. You're still not fit to be human for the shallowness of your thinking.
But it's no matter. You can invoke whatever lame defense you choose, but nothing can remove the scars of bigotry that disfigure your soul.
stumbled onto your blog today and didn't know the literal translation of FUPA, but now i do! my wife calls it a pot-crotch. you know, like a pot-belly, but a pot...crotch.
These are PEOPLE you're talking about. Living, breathing human beings with thoughts and emotions just like you. Yet you talk about them like they are some kind of second-rate wild animals. It is just as bad as racist, religious, and all other forms of prejudiced hate. Sure, weight is something that can be changed, but what difference does it make? It's still affecting the people the way they are right now, and it's downright cruel. Not to mention a total invasion of privacy. I pity you.
Does that mean if someone is wearing "slutty" clothing, that she deserves to be raped?
Think about it. How pathetic does that sound? No one "deserves" to be maliciously made fun of, just as no one deserves to be raped. It's just wrong.
I mean really, this is a society issue. People choose to be mean, no one is putting a gun to their head saying they have to. So, really, it shouldn't have to be "expected," because people just decide to do it. And guess what? People can decide to stop it, too.
I think this is too funny.
To all you people complaining, how the hell did you come across this blog if you weren't searching these types of things, hypocrites.
Don't worry Karin or Kali and everyone who is mad about this site ... none of the Walmart FUPAs have internet access anyway. :-P
Anonymous: It's a tad bit hard to get DSL in their trailers...
Stumbled my ass on this site searching for a FUPA pic for a blog i just wrote. Hilarious. Check out if ya get a chance.
The FUPA's can't afford internet anyway. They spend all their money on cheeseburgers!
lol wtf is going on here. Was this sight displayed at a FUPA convention of some sort (most likely held at an Arby's). These people are coming out of the woodwork all of a sudden bashing the sight. This sight is halarious. I'm tired of this generic garbage. Obesity is rarelly genetic, its mostly an excuse. You are gonna tell me that somehow in America people are much more prone to this "disease?" I suppose this is the only explanation since everyone that is overweight in the fattest country in the world claims them have a problem while sitting in line at the local buffett. You're right these people aren't asking to be made fun of but don't compair it to a woman wearing slutty clothes asking to be raped. Sorry but thats a ridiculous compairison. Go gorge on some high fructose corn syrup. Most of these people deserve to be handcuffed to treadmills.
omfg omfg... * pants, pants, inhales hard, exhales, pants , pants, catches breath , catches breath*
so i learned something new today
i was checking in this guest right...
and then we talked about mothers and he begins to tell me his mom lost her a mind a few years back... blah blah blah
so then the conversation went into camel toes...
( this guy obviously has a concern for the flaws in the pelvic and genital areas )
out of the blue he asks me if i knew what a " FUPA " was
i said i did not know. . .
so then he told me it was when ppl have fat over their snatch. . .
so then... ( im working graveyard )
and i searched the internet for FUPA
and guess what...
theres a whole site dedicated to this shit
omg omg omg
i think every lady over the age of 30 in santa ana has one. . .
( even if its a small one )
... so when i get old
and i develop a " fupa'' of my own...
my time will come for me to make my decision...
wear my pants ABOVE or BELOW my " fupa" ???
i think above... to further draw attention to my " fupa" .... since its funny...
and then hopefully
ill make the FUPA HUNTER site
and have the cutest FUPA of all
please comment. . . i know u want to...
This is absolutely glorious. Keep hunting.
Fupa Hunter,
I feel sorry for you, because your writing portrays you as someone with no empathy.
Feeling empathy for others does not necessarily mean that we agree with their actions or like what they have done, but empathy does help us to understand why others act the way they do and to see that we may have acted in much the same way.
A harsher critic might argue that since sociopaths lack empathy, then you are a sociopath.
It is not your inalienable right to ridicule others. Are you so disconnected with other humans that you think it is morally acceptable to disregard other people's right to privacy?
Shame on you.
I truly hope someone you've chosen to make fun of kicks your ass. There is no reason you need to put others down just for your own sick amusement. Put a pic of you up...I'm sure we could find plenty to tear apart.
Wow this is just sad, I feel really sorry for you. I suggest some kind of hobby, maybe pick up a book or something instead of being a shallow attention seeking whore you sorry little person lol... damn.
This is an outrage! You all make me sick to my stomach! Have you no better time on your hands? Have you no soul and no conscience? Were you unloved or have no friends as a child and this is how you are making up for it? Are you jealous that these innocent people you are making fun of have wonderful personalties and have more people that love them than you? Have you no better time on your hands than to pick out the flaws of others? Are you materialistic? Do you not believe God created everyone equal? Are you wrong in the head?
I can't believe this website even exists. I literally wanted to throw up because of this awful website. And we think other countries treat their people bad? We'll I think we people in America need to look around at what we say to our very own people. This is disgusting and you all should be ashamed about yourselves for this website. You are abusing your powers of freedom in the United States. Shame on you all.
How did YOU find this website anyway??
Great Fupa song...
Fupalicious...i agree with you. look at any other country in the world. america's obesity rate is MUCH higher than any other. they call it a "disease." there are many different operations that obese people undergo, most of which fail because they dont put in the time to go out and do some exercise for 30 minutes a day. 30MINUTES A DAY. How hard is that? if i were obese i would tie a fishing pole with a hot dog on the hook to my back and take myself for a walk everyday.
"Karin" and "Miss Kate" are clearly duds.
Anyone with brains can tell this site is funny as hell and not meant in a derogatory sense.
And Karin, Kali and Miss Kate, if it bothers you - lose the weight !!! You are obviously insecure and ashamed of your size or you wouldn't be so needlessly touchy and paranoid.
I LOVE this Fupa blog and I hope they update again very soon.
I second Karen. Get a life.
hahahhahahhahah i find this site to be absolutely hillarious
i used to be fat myself and laugh at these fupasauruses
What's all this boo-hooing about being cruel to these shambling sows? You don't know what cruelty is until you've had your foot stepped on by one of these Guernseys rushing a donut counter.
Love the site, all you 'empathic' socialist types should fcuk off to a communist country where the right to free speach is not allowed. Mocking each other is how men bond!
It is not your inalienable right to ridicule others.
Uhhh...Free Speech. And "Feelings" are not protected by the Bill of Rights.
And WTF with privacy? These people are in PUBLIC. Its not like someone came into their house and took pictures.
1. Let's start with a positive. Like blogs with one theme, very focused. I was wondering what FUPA was. Now I know.
2. Unnecessarily cruel. I'm sure the authors of this blog are quite attractive, but probably not perfect.
3. The obsession borders on a FUPA fetish. You might want to examine your simultaneous repulsion/attraction to this body type. Someday, maybe you'll just give in to your deepest desires and finally get to make mad passionate love to someone with an irresistibly enchanting FUPA.
4. Unnecessarily cruel. Your heart must be sized in inverse proportion to the bellies of the people you photograph.
5.Wal-Mart? Not very challenging grounds for "hunters" such as yourselves, is it?
6. The diversity of body types in this world is God-given and therefore beautiful. Yes, it is hard to see the beauty in something that could be quite unhealthy, but these are human beings, created just like you were...try to be more gentle, you might need to be treated gently yourself some day.
if you dont like it then why dont you all just bail... the only way you could have found this is if you looked up FUPA at some point.
and isnt it kind of hypocritical that youre call people like myself( that finds this hilarious ) scum and shallow which is also derogitory? i think so!
Ha ha...."GENERIC"
I'm quite fat and while I do have a fupa, at least I dress well enough to hide it!~
These are PEOPLE you're talking about.
Right you are anon! And the lady in question here is at least 3 people (maybe 4, if two are kids).
this site is crazy stupid.
what's even more ridiculous than wasting your time 'hunting' for pictures of obese people is trying to justify why you're doing it.
it's just weird and lame.
lmao great blog. Fat people are fucking disgusting and should be shot on site.
I love your work on the fupa... I am myself a hunter/collector. I do have to say that you are mistaken in your misknowledge of the fuba... The fat upper butt area, also known as the "spare tire" is not a FUPA, however the fanny pack is an absolutely excellent observation. I hope you continue your work and that we can share observations...
Omfg this shit is so fucking funny if someone gets that fat thats grounds for being able to make fun of someone like dat LOSE SOME FUCKING WEIGHT U FUPAS
no kidding, I specifically searched FUPA and came across this HILARIOUS site, I wonder how the rest of these overly sensitive crybabies found it?
I'm SO sick of the obesity arguement, it's not a fucking disease, it's an excuse. Nothing makes my stomach churn like getting stuck behind some fatass at Wal-mart that rides one of those motorized scooters just because they're TOO FUCKING FAT to walk themselves to the snack section. puh-leeze.
I love this blog! keep it up!
There are lots of ways that DON'T include food that make people fat. For one instance, it's when people pick on other people and so they turn to food. SO making fun of someone is how they got fat. If you don't like them that way why don't you try accepting them instead of picking on them.
Another is medical reasons. Maybe a bad thyroid, or Putuitary gland CANCER. You could potentially be making fun of someone w/ cancer. Another is Prader-Willie Syndrome, etc.
Another thing i want to say is is imagine the worst physical pain you have EVER felt and try to go to the gym! I bet you won't. Some of the people who are obese and have so much pain in getting around that they can't do any excerise. And maybe for all we know they excerise everyday and have lost 50lbs already and are trying to lose more. You don't know so stop acting assuming!
And i'm NOT crying (therefore I am not an overly sensitive crybaby like another blogger said). I'm pissed that in this country some people can't ACCEPT people regardless of a mere physical techinicality.
some people have their panties in a wad. Granted, this site is a little mean-spirited, and yes, these people have way too much time on their hands, but it's pretty funny if you're honest with yourself.
Genetic disorders are a huge cop out. My mom has a thyroid condition, but she runs every day and manages to stay a healthy weight when the rest of her family WHO HAS THE SAME CONDITION remains extremely overweight. So no, genetic disorders are not insurmountable. They aren't easy to deal with, and I do pity those who have them, but it's up to them to do something about it.
a fupa has NOTHING to do with the stomach. it refers to the soft pad of flesh around and above the vagina. like this...
i have one... and, if i may say so, it brings the boys to the yard faster than milkshake.
Wow, you guys are pricks. I'm not going to bother post anything about you conscionce because you clearly lack one. I wish I wasn't of "average" size just because I hate being affiliated with you in any way.
Praeder-Willie Syndrome? Pituitary problems? Yeah, I'm sure those are the reasons all these people are overweight. Or even better, it's our fault for making fun of them. WE made them fat! I'm sure it's not because they eat at McDonalds every other meal and sit around staring at the television all day long. Riiiight. Dear God, what a pity party!
That Karin lady is confused. The only self righteous person is her. FUPA is not telling people how to live, he is just showing us some funny pictures of people without self control.
It is her that is judging him.
Also, when I was a young lad, I would stare at these things just thinking, what is in there?? I just thought it was a tucked in shirt that was really long.
I love the person who was comparing joking around about someone that is too lazy to exercise, with racism.
Good thing the extend of their education is what they see on the View.
This site is classic!
Re: Valerie's point #3 above - let's test.
Try to watch this:
and not get a boner. Can you do it?
This evokes a sentiment similar to the feeling I get when fupa hunting.
She looks really pleasant. On the other hand, you suck so bad as a photographer you don't have the sense to get your own fingers off the lens. Maybe I should add you to my "bagged an idiot" site. Except I don't have an "idiot" site because I am not so low in self image that I have to memorialize it in print. Think I will just go celebrate some more about the Obama landslide.
FUPA: fat of the pussy area
peep the song on College Humor, it's hilarious!
Gotta send you some pics....Have you encoutered the FUPA pit stain!?!?!? Your fellow laughing waste of skin!
A FUPA pack!
Damn, how did she get that around her?!
I came here googling for a solution as how to come to terms with a fupa. I got one last year, thanks to anti-estrogen cancer therapy. Anti-estrogen makes you a fat cancerous with fupa - and it doesn't go away (cancer neither). Instead I found your site with how to mock me. I pity you. And yes, I live outside the US.
I think this is the saddest and cruelest site on the internet. And typical of a bunch of mean skinny people who probably eat what ever they want and never worry about gaining weight.
You have no clue of the pain these people carry around, and your obsequious links to weight loss help pages doesn't do anything to hide the fact that your cruel.
People are that obese for many reasons, and not always because of food.
And if it's food, then there is an emotional scar they are covering up.
Read these articles about the link between child molestation and obesity later in life:
A crushed soul tries to hide itself in girth.
And the saddest thing is is that pedophiles most often target the more sensitive vulnerable children, so you skinny vultures were never in danger. Think of the cruel irony: people like you most likely teased the shy chubby kid in school, and meanwhile her teenage baby sitter or uncle was raping her, so after her soul is ripped apart, you vultures land on the carcass and feed.
and the fact is, 15% to 25% of women and 5% to 15% of men have been sexually abused when they were children. And what do you know, obesity affects about 25 percent of the population!
Furthermore, Food allergies can cause obesity.
For instance coffee...just plain regular caffeinated coffee can make you fat if you have an insulin resistance condition or hypoglycemia! Caffeine causes your liver to make sugar, and your body just see's the sugar, it doesn't care that you just drank a zero calorie coffee with a sweet n low, and the sugar it sees came from your liver, it will still store that sugar as fat.
Get it?
And if you have that happening, and you go to eat a bowl of plain cereal, or even a slightly sweetened cereal, your already going down for the count, weight wise. Add that to someone who has severe emotional issues from childhood trauma, you have a sick individual who deserves pity, compassion and to be treated with dignity.
This is terrible. Even though I'm not the ill-wishing type, I just want the pain you inflicted on these people onto you. Don't you worry about it, it will come soon.
Yeah dont worry about terrorists, rapist, murderers, child molesters...lets shoot all the bad karma at ppl who make fun of fat ppl. Fckin idiots
I love all the pussies that are on here posting anti-FUPA hunter sentiments anonymously. Undoubtedly angry fat girls who were overlooked at prom time.
FUPA Hunter,
I dislike you because your a hate mongering bigot who needs to find better things to do than make fun of these innocent people. For all of you supporting him, I know you're going to rot in hell or whatever it is that scares you most. I hope you get skinned and thrown in acid. You're sad pathetic waste of human life and you DNA is comparable to that of a piece of shit (and I feel bad for the poor piece of shit that has to be connected with you). These people you make fun of are going to lead happy lives and be content with themselves while you sit at home (probably in your mothers basement). So on a nice ending note, next time you decide to degrade someone or pass judgment without fully understanding what their conditions of life are, remember this... I'm watching you.
P.S. 'Cap'n Cornhole'- Maybe we're attractive girls with hearts instead of douchebags with no dicks? Let's try using that brain sometime.
Ummm, ok. If you were truly attractive, I'd be willing to bet you'd be curled up watching Gossip Girl with a hunky boytoy right now instead of taking the time to stick up for the members of your corpulent sisterhood. You obviously relate on some deep level to the targets of FUPA Hunter's lens. Any slim, good looking chicks wouldn't give a flying fuck. Eat a fat dick, sweet meat.
Keep hunting, I will laugh about this shit for days.
The poeple who are angry about this blog probably have a FUPA.
The poeple who are angry about this blog probably have a FUPA.
Actually dipshit I don't got one but you faggot most probably do so shut the fuck up.
and i have a feeling the FUPA hunter are really just find obesese people hot or some shit. Like really who the fucking PURSUES people.
Your sick. and if you really wanna help start a health program or some shit. Oh wait, you don't want them losing weight, you find fat people erotic.
by the way fucking sicko you can't take pictures of ppl without there consent. reporting this site! :)
and look there's even an email makes it a lot easier.
oh my god! some people are fat! i can't believe it!
you know, you can't post this site on facebook. too funny.
you can take pictures of people without their consent. that's what tabloids do.
It is not illegal to take pictures of people without consent as long as:
1. The pictures were taken from a public place
2. The pictures were taken of a place that can be publicly seen.
3. The pictures are not subject to a model release as would be required if the pictures were to be used in advertising.
Pictures can even be taken of you in your house if you can be seen from outside.
"I'm pissed that in this country some people can't ACCEPT people regardless of a mere physical techinicality."
The level of obesity depicted on this site is not a "mere physical technicality." It is a totally unhealthy, life-altering characteristic. While obese people are indeed still people with feelings, there is no question that their bodies are in utter disrepair, getting sicker by the day. If their bodies could talk, they would ask for help to change, not acceptance of the diminished state in which they currently exist.
I don't know enough to say what percentage of obese people are that way through their own controllable behavior versus what percentage have no control over their physical conditions. My cursory understanding of the matter is that obesity is an epidemic in the United States, largely - albeit not exclusively - caused by our collective eating and exercise habits in this country. This is certainly controllable behavior. I also know that I see a number of obese people in the checkout aisle of my local grocery store buying frozen pizzas, corndogs, potato chips, cases of sugared soft drinks, and the like. Although there is undoubtedly an emotional and psychological component that exacerbates their physical condition, it is hard for me to feel sympathy when I see them using free choice to continue their unhealthy habits. We all have choices to make. I'd love nothing more than to sit down on my couch with a plate full of corndogs and wash them all down with a liter of Coke. Actually, that's not true - I love being fit more than I love corndogs. So I make the choice to eat healthy and bust my butt at the gym, foregoing the pleasure of fattening food in exchange for the pleasure of looking fit, feeling good and being healthy. In the end, I'm happy for my choice. I wonder if the obese people are happy with theirs. They would certainly have us accept them for the way they are, but do they want to accept themselves that way?
I am not going so far as to say obese people deserve our scorn, much less to be humiliated on a publicly viewable website. No doubt they experience enough humiliation in their daily lives. But just as you would have sensitivity for those who eat and atrophy themselves into physical dysfunction, maybe you can turn some of that understanding towards those who would make fun of them. A lot of the people here are acting out against obese people because, on some level - perhaps a very base, subconscious one - they see obesity as a problem. And in truth, it is - a big one (no pun intended). Obesity should not be accepted. It should be discouraged, and those who are obese should be encouraged not to be. In that sense, there is a rational basis for the expressions of disgust that appear on this page, even if the disgust is misdirected. It is a natural reaction to feel disgust at something that is innately harmful, and to demonize behaviors that yield harmful results. Ideally, we would be able to channel those feelings in a way that is constructive, rather than destructive. Disgust at obesity is a good thing; expressions of disgust aimed at obese people are not. Unfortunately, not everybody has that clarity. Some people take rationally based feelings of repulsion and run with them to irrational places. But are these people themselves subhuman simply because they lack the intellectual sophistication to make sense of their feelings? Do they deserve to be hated, beaten up by those whom they scorn, as some people here have advocated? Those of you who hate them for their insensitivity are hypocrites, blinded by your own anger as much as they are blinded by their feelings. In that sense, you are equally part of the problem. Yelling at the "hunters" will not make them stop hunting any more than making fun of obese people will make them stop being obese. If you really want to help obese people, help them to help themselves. All the sympathy and understanding in the world is not going to make their bodies any healthier.
stupid fuck. get a fucking job you lowlife losers. go help the economy. go feed someone in a homeless shelter. fucking losers. grow up you dumb fucks.
FUPA means : fat upper pussy area and anyone can have one, not just obese people.
The only people that take umbrage with the hunting of fupas have a fupa themselves.
Which brings up another point, what the hell are you doing on the internet anyway? Shouldn't you be at wallmart buying some cheetos or a footlong sub to feed your fupa?
I think as a former fat person myself, that its odd. . . a dedication of so much time to something so retarded. I dont understand the need for "fatties" to wear skin tight stretchy pants, I was huge . . and I never never wore that!! I think that even if this woman weighed 125 she would probably still dress this way. just change the shoes to pointy high heels! Getting upset that someone made this website is gay- you searched for Fupa . . you are looking at it- are you worried it is you they have a picture of. People if you dont like the way someone sees you then change it- medical or not anything is possible if you really care.
So loose the fanny pack and go for a walk- and while you are walking get over it!
oh and its gay to Fupa Hunt!
Sincerly Yours,
Former Fupa Owner!
Karin wrote: "Do you honestly think that these people want to be this way? Do you honestly believe that this is just an issue of overeating? It's usually not. There are genetic reasons for this type of thing more often than just a simple indulgence."
Seriously? What evidence do you have to support your conclusion that most fat people are overweight due to genetics? America's problem with obesity is not related to "simple indulgence?" I know, we just generally have worse genes than the rest of the entire fucking world.
Karin, you're an idiot. You're the type of person blogs like this target. Not only did you present a poor argument in defense of the obese, but you have also succeeded in making yourself look like a fucking tool. Thank you so much for the laugh!
no no no! its not that they are more comfortable with their own kind- or even the extra wide aisles- its the regular ice cream, candy and sweets sales they hold! ever try to get down an aisle the day after halloween! Yikes!! you are likely to get your arm chewed off if you come between the FUPAs and their treats ;) LMAO- keep up the good works...FUPAs deserve to be made fun of because they are like that by choice- only they can stop hand to mouth disease and laziness ...still laughing!! rofl!
ahhha i love all the people saying that this site is horrible. maybe you shouldn't have fucking gone to town on your fridge all those nights huh? i have no sympathy for fat fucks. you deserve it.
"fat fucks"; "Fat people should be shot on site"; Faggot... gay... wow seriously this is the conversation in here. Fat people should be shot on site? Shouldnt we worry more about more important things like sexual abuse, homelessness, etc. Nope. Not you people. You need to spend your extra time making fun and judging people refering to them as "wild beasts". I had a very close person to me kill themselves because of tourment like this. This is a ridiculous display of indecency. You are all obviously the judge the jury AND the exacutioner. Good for you. Miserable peices of shit.
you should really be ashamed of yourself. you don't know whether these people have a medical condition. and i'd like to see a picture of you, probably mildly overweight and passing judgment and those less fortunate. I'm both disgusted and upset by your arrogance, and wish people in this world weren't such assholes.
I wonder if anyone still reads this... Just so you all know, the people against fupa hunting saying we have no right... I've been paying taxes for years now, as I hope most of you do too... and I've come to find out that obesity in the US costs the tax payers ~40 BILLION dollars a year. You have no right to tell me that I can't look at fupa with disdain, because I'm fucking paying for it. If they weren't too busy wasting precious healthcare money and stuffing their faces, then that 40 billion $$ a year could go towards feeding starving children and helping the homeless.
What a great site this is! I love laughing at people who are less fortunate that US skinny people, 'cause only SKINNY people laugh at THIS GREAT STUFF!!! Hey, let's start a site laughing at handicapped people, too! We'll call it, "Gimps on Wheels!" Cancer patients are pathetic, too, right! We'll call it, "Baldies on Death Row," or "Beat the Reaper!" I love you guys so much, you've inspired me to laugh at such wholesome things. What wit, what humor! Watch for my new blog, "Teasing Retards with Candy!"
If you think I'm serious, you're probably as dumb as the fool that created this site. Keep hiding behind the Internet to feel better about yourselves. Get a girlfriend, boyfriend, dog, whatever, and just feel better about yourselves. This site is a pocket of humanity and should be destroyed.
Have a nice day!
hahaha, I LOVE this site. I think the fupa is such a desired feature to have, why not put it on display for all to see? We have made our own site dedicated to the fupa,
These aren't FUPA. These are stomachs hanging over the FUPA. Site is a sham.
i love fupas. i have one and my skinny boyfrend likes to play with it like foreplay. go fupas!
westfield mass
I think it is funny that people who come on here and talk bad about people who are taking pictures of people with FUPAS, are the REAL arrogant self righteous wastes of space. arent you doing the same thing???? let people have their fun and let their higher being judge them, and this shit is funny anyway. if you want to see some good fupa or mullets, try Wilson County Fair in Lebanon, Tn. there is some great ones there
You people should be ashamed of yourselves. I think I will start a blog and feature immature, socially inadequate men >:| Thankfully, what goes around comes around.
OMG. I should be offended, but I'm not. I'm overweight myself, and I think I need to visit this blog on a daily basis to keep motivated to stay on my diet. I don't want to end up as some FUPA hunter's trophy!
Anyone motivated to lose weight? Take a look at Hypnosis for weight loss.
Wow, what a bunch of assholes you all are. Someone should take a picture of you and post it for public ridicule. What a coward you must be - taking secret pictures of people and posting them. Go back to high school where your immature meaness belongs.
Yeah, you are a real idiot. Clearly uneducated....did you even read your own post? Yes, of course you can make fun of people's looks, but I guess that is all you must have, because clearly you are a moron. Is obesity "generic" in your family? I think the word you are looking for is "genetic". Also, from highschool English class, a short lesson for you: you're=you are, your=possession of something. Perhaps when you are done exercising so hard every day, you could pick up a book or two? Just a suggestion for YOUR own betterment. Thought you might like to know how YOU come across to other people.
You must of got picked on in highschool and this is your way to feel like the bully instead of the nerd. You're making fun of people who you have no idea what they may have been through or are going through. Really, someone should slap your parents in the face for raising such trash. Were you molested by your dad or something? Your too dumb to realize that this entire site that you dedicated to degrading others, screams loudly that you feel bad about yourself. My guess is that you most likely have a small penis or a homely face. Cause good looking people rarely make fun of someone elses looks, it's usually ugly people themselves who do that.
I actually know the guy who makes this blog. He never had any friends in school really and got made fun of a lot. The person above is correct in saying that he is very homely. I think this is his way of trying to be cool for once and be the one doing the picking instead of being picked on. Just my take on things.
Its not hard to get in shape and loose weight... It jus takes dedidication and some work. If your not willing to do that then its your own fault you get made fun of!!
It's G E N E T I C not generic......spell check you stupid bitch!!!!!
What if it were your mother? You are cruel and ignorant! Get a job! Your probably on welfare and sit around doing nothing but picking on others all day! F#%@er!
Ha ha ha! Hannah is so ignorant! Generic/Genetic! The only GENERIC thing about her and most likely her family is her intelligence! Hannah....Karma is a bitch... It's coming your way.... I WISH I could laugh at you when that happens.
The people taking these photos ought to be ashamed.
if you listen to 80% of obesity stories.... THEY just sit around and eat all day. you have to exorcise and eat decently. or atleast eat decently.
Damn I suddenly want to gain more weight so I can be hunted lol grrrrr come find me!
It's a joke people! I have one ....big fucking deal. Grow up
Fuck yeah!
Practice what you preach and mind your own business. You say it's cruel then don't be apart of it. Let us laugh will ya.
If the Fupa Coalition of America finds out about this blog they could always protest as is their right but...... if they set up a picket line and start marching they might accidentally burn some calories. The Fupa God is a patient and forgiving God but has been known to explode in fits of animosity and rage so beware!!!!!! Fupas are actually quite sexy when they're naked and you're so fucking drunk
you can't see.
This blog is a sham. You do not even KNOW what a FUPA is and you claim to be a FUPA Hunter? Seriously? You are wrong on so many levels here, but the most obvious level is that you don't have one single photograph of a true FUPA. These pics are nothing but a bunch of amateur cell phone snapshots of oversized Walmart shoppers (yeah, that's something new). You should change your blog name to BIG ABDOMEN HUNTER...because that is all you have here. Dumbass.
Dear internet blogger,
Whilst you sit in the comfort of your basement, I hope that you review your blog again someday and come to realize it's cruelty.
If your realization of this truth is never met, I pity you as a fool with lack of moral and empathy, which is the worst kind of quality any individual can maintain.
-Not sincerely, me.
let's be honest all these people who don't like us making fun of the Fupa probably have one
They aren't people, these are sub human garbage disposals who would just as soon eat a small child.
Yes they do, Obama gave them computers and high speed Internet along with those phones for free.
Looks like someone here has a FUPA
Everyone is people. Some are cruel, some are fat and some try to push their beliefs and ideals on others. What reality do we live in where one could possibly expect to not encounter bullying from time to time? If you don't like it, turn away. Focus on your own shortcomings and let others focus on theirs. Displaying your sympathies to the cruel will only be seen as weakness which will further agitate what you see as a problem. Fact is, people suck. Lower your expectations of humanity and the animal nature our egos fight so hard to deny. You do your thing, FUPA Hunter. Bring on the chuckles!
I think it is the way weight loss is portrayed and the fear of the process that makes it complicated. Plus, the DIET GURUS use that fear and complication to make the process seem hard. That way people must use their services to overcome that fairytale complication.
lose the fupa through exercise
I second that emotion
It's not genetic, if it was the problem would occur in other places around the world, including third world countries. This is a first world, mostly American problem, caused by not getting your lazy ass off the couch and putting down the cheese-covered food stick.
Since I have the self-discipline to eat in moderation and exercise, I have single digit body fat and reserve the right to be disgusted by and make fun of those who don't. If they don't like it, they can chase me down to try and beat me up. The run will do them good.
A website for making fun of people shit have you not heard of facebook you stupid cunt
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