A rare breed of fupa captured by this hunter who allows the hunter to interact with it. He was able to get up close and pose with the animal in the wild. Please do not try this at home as some can be very dangerous.
What it a FUPA? A FUPA is a Man or a Woman so afflicted by obesity that their pubic area is used to store patches of soft fatty waste. Often sighted at work, the food court at the mall and Walmart, they can be spotted in families, or occasionally traveling in groups called 'schwaggles'.
this website is sickening - you should be ashamed of yourself
HaHahahahahaaa, i need to do some fupa hunting myselp. Maybe we will be able to destroy the population of fupas in the states...maybe not
anonymous: obviously you're a fatty. Fucking work out and diet now.
baaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha thats classic!
this is awful, why would you bring people down like this.....just because they are a little over weight doesn't mean you need to attack their self esteem.....some people have medical problems where they can't work out or lose weight....you all should be ashamed of yourself for this website, just because you were made fun of sometime in your life doesn't mean you should put others down now...I'm betting none of you have any friends and are making that up by doing this, you should really get your head checked out...you all are a bunch of sick sick sick animals.
Yeah, she looks like a sweet friendly good-hearted fupa.
I don't mind fupas at all if they're nice and friendly.
HOW?! SUCH MAGNIFICENCE! SUCH BEAUTY! i can only hope someday to snag a shot like this.
anonymous if you hate the site so much what are you doing on it?
anyway regarding the shot
AMAZING what a brave little hunter
i have a mini-fupa....but i still think this page is hilarious. FUPAS ARE FUNNY!
as are gunts...
Seriously though... 'a little overweight'? .... REALLY!? that's morbidly obese right there anonymous... and there had to be a point where the person just let themself go and drown in twinkies... about 1% of morbidly obese people are like that due to genetics, the rest are just lazy. I just read a statistic today that stated that costs due to diabetes treatment in this country are at a whopping $200 billion dollars now, diabetes being one of plethora of conditions stemming off of obesity aside from heart conditions due to obesity. I say, poke fun at them maybe then they'll lose weight and I won't be so disgruntled that tax dollars aren't wasted on those stupid expensive gastric bypass surgeries people get post-fupa.
"a little overweight?" Quit living a lie anonymous. These people are not a little overweight. They are obese to a point where the body fat calipers couldn't even get a pinch.
Phenominal FUPA, like discusting FUPA, but good!!! I am surprised the hunter survived this vicious attack. Paden, Snyder, what up!!!!!!
-Big B
What's sickening is these overweight people NOT DRESSING THEIR SIZE. That girl in the picture is strangling her midsection and needs to wear a dress that's more flattering to her shape...THEY MAKE THEM. There needs to be a sister show to "The Biggest Loser"..."Dress Your Size"!
thats a huge bitchhh hahahah.
fuba power....
whats her number can i have it.
i had to see this site to believe it. this is horrible & disgusting. you should all get a fucking life. they are humans just like everyone else. obviously something went wrong in their lives. who the hell are u fucks to judge them or constantly remind them of the way they look. they probably ate so much because of u assholes constantly making them feel horrible about themselves. to objectify them and post pictures as if they were not humans is so absolutely disgusting. to go further and refer to them as animals sickens and saddens me that people like you assholes exist in this world. you all need to get the fuck off this website and GET A FUCKING LIFE. take a look at yourselves and go fix your own problems you sick bastards.
I am loving how some of you against fupa displaying are saying we are so wrong shove it i was one of them and she like this made me lose weight and now i am one of those skinny bitches get over it they dont even know they are on here go look at something else and preach to those who care
I'm so loving this site! We don't get a choice to live and not pay FUPA tax, so the data being gathered here will conclude scientific methods of study that obesity abuses everyone, not just the eater.
These comments are friggin hysterical. I so give kudos to James! You are my hero! I am in healthcare and have to haul around fupas all day who smoke and eat crap food and are on welfare just increasing their fupas. And what's worse... they are breeding little, mini fupas! Seriously! A NINE YEAR OLD should NOT HAVE A FUPA!!! There is no excuse for just letting your kid eat Cheetos and Pepsi all day in front of a Play Station purchased with government money. Good God, people... open your eyes. If you don't see something more wrong than just the "website," you are blind. Shame on YOU!
News flash chubby: you're sort of a fat ass yourself. Just because you are thin compared to some people doesn't make you thin on an absolute scale.
You look like you talk really loudly and your breath smells of alcohol.
You also seem to smell of dried sweat.
Wow... taking pictures and posting them without permission; and how perfect you all must be to pass such judgement on people you don't even know. I knew someone very close to me kill themselves because of people like you who found humor in humiliating others. Mind your own fucking business and move on with your life! Christ they aren't snapping pictures of you assholes and creating a site full of pictures of heartless sociopaths. Fuck get a life. Ridiculous.
To the people who are bashing this site, seriously? There are people who make fun of other people, EVERYWHERE. If you don't want to read it get off the site. Learn to take a fucking joke. Just because something is offensive to someone doesn't mean it can't be shown. Everyone gets offended over everything, grow up.
From what I understand, that is not a FUPA. A FUPA is a fat sack right above the vagina, not part of the belly. The girls in this pic have a muffin-top flab, not a FUPA. What this means is that you're not a fat girl, and you've never boned a fat girl. Congrats, I guess, but get your terms right.
hey anonymous! you must have a fupa yourself if you're mad!!! hahaha
Looks like the "hunter" has a mini FUPA of his own...
The brave Fupa hunter has quite the jelly belly of his own - he must be one of those who like to be around the obese to look skinny eh?
Looks like the FUPA hunter has a FUPA himself. Lose that stomach with some crunches fatty.
The "hunters" a fuckin fatty! What a deal two fupa's fir the price of one:)
Enough with the histrionics people.
Shaming is an important social mechanism (not the only one) to protect people like those captured on this website from themselves, and it has been rendered inert by the coddling and cultural degeneracy which have been going on for half a century. Staying silent and letting them "express their unique humanity" or whatever... that's what's killing them.
In a healthy society blogs like this wouldn't exist. There would be no content for them. Modern society expects us to turn a blind eye to these freaks--and for the most part, we do--when a hundred years ago the mere sight of them would have given any freakshow proprietor an instant heart attack.
If you really think this website is sickening.. STEP OUTSIDE!! America is overweight, and it's these SLOBS that make it that way!!! GET OFF YOUR FUCKING COUCH AND WALK!!!!!!! If you think that this website makes fun of obese people, you're 100% right, and there's NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT!!!! Maybe if we didn't hide the fact that these people are disgusting humans to their faces, then they would actually take the energy to stop stuffing their faces with unhealthy shit, and start eating better and exercising!! There is NO excuse for this, and just because there's a website pointing out that blatant fact, then maybe you should hop on the tredmill too. How can anyone let themselves get to gross?
In canada, we call it B'gunt.
It is and we are. But what's can I say?
She looks amazing her her huge belly and monster tits hanging low!
A little overweight?!?
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